Jaza's World

The Source

The Source

Michener is possibly the world's most acclaimed writer of historical epics that span thousands of years. The Source chronicles the history of the land that is now Israel, from the dawn of civilisation, right up to the birth of modern Israel. Michener is remarkably well-researched, and this is evident in his telling of stories based on the various time periods in which they're set. The first stories are set in the polytheistic tribes of ancient Canaan, then they move forward to the times of biblical Israel. Michener illustrates with great insight how life changed, politically and culturally, after the Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Crusader, and Finally Turkish invasions from biblical to modern times. He ends with an extremely pro-Israel portrayal of the 1948 War of Independence, taking the perspective of a group of Irgun fighters battling the Arab forces. Michener's book in general has the flavour that Jews always have been, and always will be, in Israel. An important aspect of the book is that it emphasises the attachment of the Jewish people to their homeland, and the significance of our return after so many years in the Diaspora. An incredibly broadly-spanning, well-written and opinionated epic history of the land of Zion.

Author: James A. Michener

Year published: 1965

Filed in: Historical Epic