Name: Davo
Age: 17
Gender: Multiple
Nickname: Uncle Burnie
City: MY CITY dammit!
Country: Gondswanaland
Hobbies: Frrrrrrrrrrrrisbee! yeah, that'll bout cover it!
Favourite quote: Robin Hood: Men in Tights - "ohhh....master robin, u lost ur arms in battle....but hey, u grew some nice boobs!"
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 6'10"
Eye colour: Brownish/Hazalish
Hair colour: Purpley/Pinky
Think 'Lord of the Rings' rules: Without a doubt
yes, lord of the rings does rule my friend, without a friggen doubt in my mind (can't wait till da third one comes out!) jaza mate, can't believe u've put so much work into this site....this is my first visit and i can honestly say that i am VERY impressed buddy - shit! looking forward to travelling with u next year man, gonna be awesome! if i could make one comment on ur site, u need a catogory for "he-bitch" on ur "status" title - coz hey, that's me! lol. all the best son of brian epstein, the famous beetles manager (lol - remember yr 8 with mr forrest?) - Davo.